I don't think this is a year of cow either, but wait a minute, is there any such a year of cow? LOL Anyway I dress my son Nathaniel as a cow. He is learning to speak both language Inglish and Bahasa. I said to him you are a cow, then he said Mooooooo! then I said you are "sapi" (cow in english) he gives me a big smile. There he is I capture his smile as a cow!

Thanks for stopping by at my blog! How did you find it btw? I'm just curious since it's only been up for 2days :) I hope you keep coming back!
Kostumnya lucu banget, fotonya juga bagus!
Isn't he the cutest little cow, Dwiana? Nathaniel is so handsome! Oh I love your Halloween Cupcakes too, they're gorgeous
Your son looks so cute, you must be proud of him.
Anakmu mirip banget sama mommynya yah? So cute, I love cow! Halloween cupcakenya juga kreatif sekali. Good job Dwi!
Hi Dwiana,
Thanks for dropping my blog and leaving some kind words about my bostini.
I love your blog, and your son is so cute in his Halloween get-up. :)
Julius, the Occasional Baker
Nate lg tunjuk tante yaaa?
Bilang mamai..tante pengen cupcakes nya gitu ya
Dwi... aku bikin perkedel, mau nyobain nggak?
Alex: I think I found you from Rasa Malaysia.
Retno: Thanks dear.
Carol: Yes, I agree. He is too cute as a cow :))
Everything4sweets: Thank you and I do proud of him.
Wita: Aku gk suka cow..habis bau hahahha but kalau nate yg jadi cownya aku cium2 in terus hehehe
Julius: Thanks for your kind words and thank for stopping by.
Mariena: lagi nunjuk2 babenya yg lagi ngegodain dia bilang mooooo
Wita: gimana nyobainnya? mau donk...
Your son is adorable!
Such a handsome boy. Love his smile.
What a cute little cow... he just looks so happy!
Thanks for checking out my blog :)
too cute a cow!
Sooooo CUTE!!!
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