Treat myself or my family with chocolate cookies? The bottom line is to treat my hubby with chocolate. He is a crazy chocolate lover. Today’s sunny day brings me energy to do lots of stuffs, including making chocolate chips cookies.
The recipe caught my eyes when I saw the title ‘SOFT AND CHEWY CHOCOLATE CHIPS COOKIES’. This is perfect for my hubby. He loves soft and chewy chocolate chips.
Then now, do I have ingredients to need to make them? Open my pantry; I am pretty much happy because I don’t have to run to the grocery store to make these chewy cookies. Not because I am not a big fan of grocery stores, it is just because the thought of bringing my son to shop made me think twice to go to the grocery store.
Here is the recipe for chocolate chips cookies taken from Martha Stewart website.
Makes about 3 dozen
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup packed light-brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups (about 12 ounces) semisweet and/or milk chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour and baking soda; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the butter with both sugars; beat on medium speed until light and fluffy. Reduce speed to low; add the salt, vanilla, and eggs. Beat until well mixed, about 1 minute. Add flour mixture; mix until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips.
Drop heaping tablespoon-size balls of dough about 2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.
Bake until cookies are golden around the edges, but still soft in the center, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven, and let cool on baking sheet 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool completely. Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature up to 1 week.
“COOKIES……!” that his voice when seeing those cookies on the cooling racks. They are just soft and warm as they have just came out from the oven. He can’t wait until cookies get little bit cooler. Mmmm….. Yup, when it is about chocolate chips cookies my hubby definitely acts like my two years old boy!! LOL
The cookies look pretty thin, mmm I am not sure why. I think I don't drop tablespoon size balls of dough on the baking sheet.
Hahaha...laki kita kok sama sih. Suami gue addicted banget sama coklat. Beda banget sama gue yg gak gitu suka sama coklat.
Chocolate cookies + milk?? Mmmm...yummy banget. Apalagi kalo cookies-nya dicelupin di susu. Gue contek resepnya, ya. Pengen buat ngisi toples yg udah kosong :D.
sama Dwi..keliatan yummy bangett ueyy, gue contek juga resepnya yaa..:D thankss beratttt....
Maybe it's the recipe? Some cookie doughs can spread when baking and look just like yours.
It seems pretty thin, still chewy and soft?
I'm also crazy choc lover! Can you treat me ?
me too me too!...aku barusan nonton "surreal gourmet" dia bikin kayak gini tapi lucu deh...instead of milk, gelasnya diisi ice cream, yg mo minum pada ketipu hahaha...bisaaaa ajah!
Sheila: qiqiqii org bule emang paling doyan makan ginian. Gw mah doyan bakingnya aja deh:)
Elsye: Non, idnya kok gk bisa gw liat yah. lo gk pake blogspot.
LCOF: I followed everything on the recipe. The taste is pretty good just I don't like the look LOL
Elra: Hi thank you dah mampir. Aku gk bisa buka profile mu. Are you a blogspot user? iya ini thin banget gw gk suka bentuknya hanya rasanya enak bener soft and chewy.
Tigerfish: LOL if you live close here I don't mind share them.
Rita: laki gw dikasih ice cream juga gk kecele apa aja dia yg judulnya manis2 doyan:)
Dwi, sorry..., aku jek belajar ngeblog. Pls do try it again. Hope it will work this time. Thanks for your reply.
Sama Erik tuh paling rakus kalau dibilang coklat apalagi kalau udah di bikin chocolate cake or cookies udah deh gak bakalan diam tuh mulut
wi blog ku masih kosong nehhehehe soon i´ll posting some recipes i´m work on it
dwi, di website nya sayang gak ada fotonya ya. menurut gue kadang tergantung resep jg, ada yg bisa bikin cookie nya jadi gendut. cara gue sekarang kalo nyendokin cookie itu pake cookie/ice cream scooper ( jadinya lebih rapih, bulet2 dan rata2 gemuk2.
aku jg ga demen coklat huehehe.. kl minuman coklat sneng banget *lucu kan hihi* anak-anakku jg ngikut ga demen coklat.Bokapnya malah suka banget .... udah lidahnya kali yaa
iya nih Dwi, kemaren gue ga login ke blogspot...hihihihi, tapi pengen komen..:P...btw, mana resep martabaknya..:P gue nunggu nih...qiqiqiq
hhmm those cookies look good jeng. tipis mungkin krn resepnya. jadi pengen baking cookies dweh. dah lama ga bikin dan pastinya choco cookies. secara gw kan miss chocoholic ;))
gw link ke dapur gw bols?
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