Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spinach and walnut quiche


I have been hearing about QUICHE for sometime now. But as usual, I have no time to make it myself for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons which I think I should blame my fellow food bloggers, ah ha LOL that by doing blog walking and seeing so many different kinds of food they make me change my mind constantly!

This time I have a strong point that I have to make QUICHE because my son is in the picky stage of eating. So I though quiche will remind him about pizza, perhaps! And it works, he ate!


Fillings for quiches which I read from many cook books they are almost infinitely variable. In this case I choose very popular filling which is “spinach”, my other consideration also my son can eat vegetables at the same time. Also walnuts are mixed with the spinach, giving a good crunch to the filling.

Recipe is adopted from The complete book of baking by Deborah Gray

1 stick butter
11/4 cups fine whole-wheat flour (I use regular flour)
pinch of salt

1 lb frozen chopped leaf spinach
salt and freshly ground black pepper
freshly grated nutmeg
2/3 cup walut pices, roughly chopped
1/2 cup blue cheese, crumbled
11/4 cups milk
2 large eggs

kolasequiche copy

Preheat the oven to 400F. Blend the butter with the flour and salt in a bowl until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Mix to a manageable dough with warm water, then roll out and use the pastry to line a 9-inch loose bottomed pie pan. Line with paper towels then fill with baking beans. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Cook the spinach gently in a covered pan until piping hot; shake from time to time to prevent it from burning. Squeeze the spinach dry then season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Remove the paper and beans from the shell and fill with a layer of the spinach, then a layer of walnuts. Crumble the blue cheese over the top of the filling.

Beat the milk and eggs and season with salt and pepper. Pour the custard over the spinach filling then grate a little nutmeg over the top. Reduce the oven temperature to 375f and bake the quiche for 25-30 minutes, until the custard has set. Serve warm or cold.

Another thing I would like to share are some shots of bushes growing in my backyard. As I love and adore the color of white in the beginning then it will turn to green. Oh my oh my… I love spring!! I wish my parents were here to see all the flowers and bushes are blooming with very interesting colors.

kolasebungaputih copy


A.G said...

lagi kembang lagi.. Senengnya yg udah pd berkembang

eh itu pienya sedep ya.. aku jg pernah bikin cuma spinach am telor aja kejunya cedar biasa. Suka ma blue cis ya... aku krg doyan,pernah dikasi temenku bt olesan roti tp mukaku jadi ikutan biru hehe.

Unknown said...

duh quiche.. jadi pengen bikin, secara sut lama ga bebikinan quiche.

foto bunga yang paling kanan, owkeh dweh

Little Corner of Mine said...

Your quiche looks delicious and it's definitely a good way to feed veggie to your son. Love those flowers, so pretty!

Sheila said...

Nyontek aaahhhh.
Gue juga nyalahin elo nih yg bikin gue jadi pengen nyoba resep ini...hehehe.

Unknown said...

aku paling seneng quiche and pengen coba bikin juga hik hik hik...blogger rakus sih aku hahaha

Everything4sweets said...

Jadi pengen nyoba nih, keliatannya enak , makasih yah Dwi resepnya.....

dwi75 said...

perasaan gw, gw kasih comment disini koq gak muncul seh heheheeheh, iya dulu gak mau makan quiche tapi setelah gw nyoba ternyata enak bow jadi mau lagi makannya hehehehe gw comot satu ya hehehehe

Elsye said...

Dwiiii huhuhu bikin ngilerrr...gue ikutan nyontek resep yaa..:)))

btw itu di ingredientnya ada walnut bukan Dwi, kalo gue ga ada gue skip gpp yaa..;D

trus gue ga tau blue cheese kayak gimana yak..*ndeso banget gue :P*

Elsye said...

satu lagi fotonya kerennn sayyy..:D

Retno Prihadana said...

Pertama nyobain quiche di Inggris, cuman waktu itu isinya keju thok ampe mblenger aku. Nah...yang punya Dwi ini keliatan lebih enak ada bayemnya lagi. Btw, 1 stick butter tuh seberapa banyak?

Lady Batya said...

wahhhhhhhhh ini makanan kedoyanan gw, kalo ke cafe pasti pesen ini hmmmm.
Tp malas bikinnnnnnn :(

Kayu meja nya cantik tuh Dwi...

Sheila said...

Dwi, emang anak lo umur berapa? Kok masih bobok siang? Anak gue yg pertama udah berontak kalo disuruh bobok siang. Umurnya sih udah 4 taon. Mudah2an aja gak terlalu dini untuk gak bobok siang (duh! bahasa gue kok jadi begeneee?!). Ngomong2, itu yg keriwil2 anak gue yg paling kecil loh...kikikik.

Sheila said...

Gue lagi nih (jangan bosen ya...:D). Ada yg kelupaan. TCC itu singkatan dari Triple Chocolate Caramel (Cake). Terus, MMF itu Marshmallow Fondant.
Sama kok Dwi, gue juga baru2 ini aja terlibat di bidang per-baking-an. Semuanya gue tau dari milis2 :).

Ira Rodrigues said...

great stuffs indeed dwi!!

I had as bites yesterday sun dried tomato and roasted bacon quiche.

would love to have yours too, he he

Dwiana P said...

Deal all my fellow bloggers,
I appreciate that you putting your time to stop by on my site and drop me kind words. Thank you very much!!

Deeba PAB said...

Great post Dwiana...I'm sorry I've been missing for long. My loss...love the quiche & love the white flowers. The angle of photography is great too! BEAUTIFUL!!