Saturday, April 12, 2008

Martabak Durian

Durian is a well known fruit Southeast Asian countries especially Indonesia. Many people the taste of this fruit. It is creamy and very sweet. But most of people do not really like the SMELL of this fruit. Have you ever seen a TV show on travel channel called ”A man who eat everything”?. He travels all around the world and eats any strange food, from a bloody raw meat to things he found in the jungle. BUT, one thing that he doesn’t dare to eat is DURIAN.

Ah ha… he can’t eat durian because of the smell. I could eat durian without having any problem for what so ever LOL. Don’t you think I suppose to be on that show? *wink*

I love the smell of durian. I know it is a very strong smell but this is a better smell than my two years old diaper LOL.

Anyway, since in my family, I am the only one who is crazy about with this fruit. I am lucky ! because I don’t have to fight with my husband oven a durian and I don’t have to buy more durians as they are very expensive here.

I got this durian from Asian market in Cleveland, Ohio. It comes in frozen and a small box costs me about 5 dollars. With the price consideration I have to cook this durian in a special way. I choose the recipe from SAJI MAGAZINE, it calls MARTABAK DURIAN.

To make the skin dough:
225 gram of all purpose flour
30 gram of granulated sugar
1/4 tsp of baking powder
250 ml of water
1/2 tsp of yeast
1 egg (mix separately)
1/4 tsp of baking soda
30 gram of granulated sugar
1 tsp of margarine (melted)

Durian Jam for filling:
200 gram of durian
250 ml of milk
50 gram of granulated sugar
2 drops of food coloring (yellow)
2 tsps of corn starch (Dilute it well with 2 tablespoons of water)

Martabak Durian


For filling:

Mix all the ingredients excluding corn starch in a pot. Bring them to boil. Constantly stirring and add slowly corn starch until it well blend and it is hard.

For the skin:

Mix flour, granulated sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Stir well and pour water gradually. If possible use your hand to mix the dough. I did. Lastly add yeast then put it aside for about 30 minutes.

Add eggs, baking soda, granulated sugar and margarine. Mix them well.

Cook them just like you cook pancake, take about 4 tablespoon and pour evenly on the non stick medium pan and cover.

Apply filling on the top of skin then fold it.

Martabak Durian


Indonesia Eats said...

ohh martabak manis duarian enaknyaaa.. dwi kl di tempat gw namanya terang bulan, gw juga heran kenapa beda nama :)

Elsye said...

jadi pengen buat nih Dwi..:P, cakep bener martabaknya...:D...


A.G said...

ga doyan durian :( mending disi ma keju ato kacang aja deh hihi...

tigerfish said...

Hahhaha...ya ya...I saw that pgm too! How come that guy can eat creepy crawlie worms and insects but not durians!

Wow...durians...I like it!

Unknown said...

wah wah wah duriannn kesukaankuuuu

tapi yg lucu, aku seneng durian dimakan as it is daripada dibikin kue/pudding/ice cream...tapi kalo daging durian in between martabak sih rasanya pasti wowwww...kerennnn

Everything4sweets said...

Thanks resepnya Dwi, enak nih, fotonya bagus lagi....

Jaz said...

Mbak, suamiku kepengen banget dibuatkan martabak durian...karena waktu dia ke Indo, nyicipin martabak ini, enak sekali. Tapi di Norway cari durian susah and muahallll...