COOKING? Not today! that is for sure. I really don't feel like cooking. No energy left on me as I don't feel good at all. Get very common cold. This sinus and soar throat are really bother me. Terrible migraine. I wish I could just sleeping!
Here I am laying on the sofa and watching my son. He is very active boy, will be 2 years old in November. He loves to climb and run. I have to keep my eyes on him all the time or he will be gone very easily.
I though when I am relaxing, I am thinking about making a sketch of his face. I wish I could drawing. I tried one time and OH NO... that is not a good idea at all. So I took one of his picture that I like and start painting using photoshop.
Here I am laying on the sofa and watching my son. He is very active boy, will be 2 years old in November. He loves to climb and run. I have to keep my eyes on him all the time or he will be gone very easily.
I though when I am relaxing, I am thinking about making a sketch of his face. I wish I could drawing. I tried one time and OH NO... that is not a good idea at all. So I took one of his picture that I like and start painting using photoshop.

Looking at his picture I realize how much he has grown so fast. And each day I am thankful about him come in my life. Now my boy, do you think you can calm down little bit and not too much running and climbing here and there as I need to lay my head so my migraine will go away.
Somehow he understands - Yep He is my good boy!
Thanks for leaving me a comment. Of course you can link to me and I see that you did. Thanks so much! :)
wooww it's a great dwiana...,
keren photoshop painting nya,...
lucu lagi anakmu...salam dr darrell yach...
RM, thanks for letting me link you:)
Ema,thanks and salam balik u/ Darrel:)
get well soon ya say, nathan dah mau 2thn ya, cepet ya gedenya :)
thanks Isha. iya nih cold kali ini rada parah.
Wah aku lg pgn belajar Photoshop neh.Dah pernah ikut kelas junior,skrg pgn lanjutin. Seru ya dunia fotografi..:-)
Anne, ps ini kuncinya sering utak utik aja yah. gw beli cd tutorial dasarnya di ITC.
tanganmu gak bisa diem ya Wi, ada aja yang diutak-atik. cepet sembuh ya say ...
Hai Dwi met kenal ya...cake di mika itu gak susah kok bikinnya...kalau mau tar ku kasih resep en cara bikin si mika...tapi kalau gak keberatan ku kirim via emailmu aja..soalnya aku udah mepet banget hari senin berangkat ke belanda...mau tulis di blog udah ga ada waktu lagi...ku tunggu email addressnya ya...
Cepet sembuh ya. Hasil Photoshopnya keren lho, yg di foto juga udah cakep lagi :)
Dwi.... kebayang deh badan sakit anak aktif belom lagi urusan rumah....take your time darling... get better soon.
BTW, sore throat -ku dah ilang gara-gara minum lo han kuo, padahal bikinnya encer-encer aza, gak sesuai petunjuk-nya. coba deh say ^_^
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