Chicken has always been one of my favourite foods. I can eat chicken everyday and never get tired of it. Mostly if I cook Indonesian food, I have to cook them from the scratch. It kind of take quite long for the food ready to be served. During this summer, I am trying to cook as simple as possible.
Yes, chicken still be my choice for the day. To cook this chicken I use instant spices it is called OPOR (white curry) product by bamboe. I am sorry I don't have any picture of it. But you can find them easily at oriental market place. I just cook them base on the direction. But this time because I don't mean to make chicken white curry I cook them longer until there is no water or juice left. Then deep fry them.
The chicken come up very crispy and tasty. Probably you should try and good luck!

Great idea Dwiana..pgn nyobain kapan2 ah..
Iya bener nih, praktis...rasanya juga Ok.
Nggak ada SB jadi dijawab disini aja ya. Klick kanan aja gambar CP diblogku untuk cari source gambarnya OK?. Klo mo bikin sendiri pake Html.
dwi...ide bagus bgt nih..drpd numbukin bumbu, aduhhh susah ngetik nih si josh ikutan pencet2..ampunnnnnnnnnn..mulai deh...
Enak nih..untuk buka puasa..btw..terimakasih banyak untuk ucapannya Dwiana..GBU
betul Dwi...gue disini jg makannya ayam melulu...bisa2 besok2 nyakar di cari cacing di kebon kali ya? hahahah....
ayam goreng kesukaan keluarga jg, tapi kadang males ngegorengnya :D
ayamnya bikin laper dwi, makasih ya ucapan b'day buat suamiku, thanks juga dah mampir ke blogku...
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