Give me an opportunity to learn and challenge my self in photography. I am just a newbie to photography and yet having so much fun!
My function here is to tell of an eggstrodinary tale of the falling egg that caught in a spoon and rested on a fallen maple leaf.
This photograph was taken with a Canon EOS 40D and Lens Canon EF 100mm F/2.8 Macro USM.
Hope you enjoy this simple picture.
"Fall" ing egg...perfect photo idea as we are having fall season...n love the slight reddish color on the egg...Great Job!
what a lovely entry. thanks for participating.
ok tuh fotonya :)
boleh juga idenya mereka tp kemampuan PS-ku masih basic banget deh. hiks...
i was reading about this event too, but don't know if i'd be able to make it. your egg looks good Dwi..
I have NO idea on giving comments on photography...
but between the "theme" and the picture... matching, Dwi...
to me; it's great... (hehehe... sorry no other additional words, as I said "not a pro. here")
kerennnn Dwi...pas komponya, idenya unik, penyajiannya juga passss *O*
wow...beautiful picture...
lovely picture!!!!
That is such a beautiful picture!
Huh? ini hasil foto kamu? aje gilee... top banget, udah nge-pro nih Dwi... menurut gw sih perfect banget, warnanya bagus, idenya juga eggcelent!
bagus lho Dwi... really fantastic!
iya deh belajar yang pintar, ntar gue diajarin hi hi hi
Wow! This is brilliant!
kerennnnnnnnn,,,aku suka warna nya ..ide nya top bgt Dwiiiiiiiiii
wow, this is really pretty! perfect shot, and no wonder u r great with a camera! love the way you've captured the hues, and also the theme!:)
trailing through Jai and Bee's site. What a fantastic shot!
Keren abiss..suka bangettt..makasi utk ucapan Lebarannya ya Dwi..GBU :-)
wow... it's a great shot...
Dear All,
Thank you very much of stopping by my website. I am hoping everyone enjoy this simple picture. This picture I made just simply to be part of this challange. And once again thank you.
Wow I like it! Hits close to home for me as a Canuck!
Just voted for this picture Dwiana ! I love Maple leaves, and the picture id Fab !!
wow... that is far from simple ! well done dwi !
aku baca jg event ini cuman gak sempet ....sigh....lagi banyak acara
Whoa, beautiful picture! I like it, a lot!
Dwiana, I just realized you live in Pennsylvania. My sister lives there, too!
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