Friday, January 18, 2008


TIME IS SO FAST! Lately I've been feeling that when you have a child then it is much easier to notice how the time is flying. All I know my son is 2 years and 2 months and I have just recently been able to write again. It gaves me an apportunity to say thank you for the award that one of my bloggers gave me. Lydia from my Kitchen. Love her blog and her style of displaying food. Thanks for the award. She gave me an award last month but I wasn't able to read or reply about the award. It may be too late now - but I am writing about it anyway.

I just wanted to thank all of you who took the time to to stop by and read my blog, also for all of your polite comments.

Hope January will bring you happiness, in good health, prosperity.



Lady Batya said...

Selamat juga dapat dari Mbak Retno n pengen gw kasih jg ke elo, tapi mau nulis n ngarang kata kata nya koq belum mood.
Ehh elo dach dapat duluan.

Dwiana P said...

Mariena: Gw juga pengen kasih ke elo juga Mar. hanya ini award udah bln lalu gw juga ketinggalan. Trus gw sibuk akhirnya yah gitu dah.