We are still having winter here in

Having a cup of hot coffee in the afternoon, it sounds very relaxing. Accompanied by couples of egg rolls. There is no doubt that my husband loves my handmade egg rolls. He kept saying those egg rolls are better than the egg rolls of any Chinese restaurants or grocery stores. Ah ha, that kind of praise will mean that he wants me to make more of them.
I have been busy lately so I haven’t had much time to blog. I have to take some of my spare time to gather all the stories and pictures. I know this excuse is old! I do hope I’ll can have more time to blog in the future.
Here is the recipe:
Spring rolls or egg rolls wrap
Ground chicken
Shrimp (grounded)
Garlic (mince)
Green beans
Jicama (Mexican potato)
Slightly cut green beans, carrots and jicama.
Stir fry garlic until slightly brown then add ground chicken and shrimp.
Add vegetables (green beans, carrots and jicama) cook until all together blended and soft.
Lastly add salt and pepper.
Take one spring roll wrap and add the filling on the middle of the skin and form it like you make an envelope. Then deep fry it.
I love this... with jicama, I bet it tastes wonderful
Lovely photos! And am sure it must have delish..nice and hot in that 2ft of snow! :)
This is the kind of dish I love to fix and eat on the weekends. Yum!
Cakep banget fotonya Dwi. Ini aku bisa habis 5 biji..hi..hi rakus.com
Yr photos are good enough to lick the monitor screen.
It's sure splendid to cosy up on a cold day with tea..munching on these lovelies *wink* ...!!
Dwi, foto yg terakhir kayak bener2 di depan monitorku. Andai aja bisa aku comot & langsung dimakan...huhuhu. Foto yg di tengah, suka sama idemu ngiket si egg rolls pake daun (daun apaan ya?). Terus foto yg pertama, komposisi si cangkir-nya aku suka :)
Eh, minggu kemaren di tempatku juga ada hujan es. Tapi gak sampe salju sih. Minggu ini cuacanya bener2 kacau. Sekarang anak2ku pada kena flu perut :(.
aku bisa abis...hmmm buanyak bangettttt ^_^
wah aku seneng teacup + saucernya cakepppp
Dwwiiii...belum aku bikin pisangnya, sekarang ada lagi, keliatan gue bakalan contek lagi say...hihihi
btw, gambarnya cakepp..jadi pengen nyomott..;P
I love egg rolls and yours looks good!
I have been wanting to make spring rolls for the longest time now but I still cannot find my spring roll wrappers! Your pix is killing me!
wah... lumpia goyeng...mau.. dicelupin ato cuma diceplusin cabe teteup endang...
lumpiaaaaaaa...aku sih bisa abis 10 sekali makan wkakakakakak
These Spring Rolls sure look good, Dwiana! and the pics are sensational!
Setiap mampir ke sini, foto-fotonya selalu keren abiiizzz! Terutama foto yang terakhir tuh, bikin ngiler banget.
Mbak Dwi benar-benar berbakat di fotografi nih.
your husband is so right. these eggrolls are so much better than the eggrolls from chinese restaurant.
cantik photonya bikin ngilerrr, sayang lapis sbynya ga bisa dilihat hiks
salam kenal ;)
Finally someone posts a recipe for egg rolls that I can manage. Thank you so much.....will do today still. I have springroll sheets in the freezer....
Congratulations on your DMBLGIT award!
Those egg rolls look delicious! I'm going to have to try making them. Congratulations on the DMBLGIT award!
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