"tek tek tek!" if you hear this kind of sound, it means that the banana seller is going to pass by. They usually bang of their frying pans with spatulas to produce that kind of sound. And if you hear this sound and want to buy this street food, you had better call him before he goes too far.
Well, since those street sellers are not passing by my house, I have to make those street foods by myself. It doesn’t take time at all to make them. It is very easy and it is nice to be served for breakfast.

Square wonton skin
Vegetables oil for frying
Chocolate sprinkles
Granulated sugar
Shredded cheddar cheese
Remove the banana peels and cut lengthwise into two parts.
Take one wonton skin and fill it with one piece of banana, one teaspoon chocolate sprinkles, one teaspoon granulated sugar and one teaspoon cheese
Wrapped nicely
Wet the edge of wonton skin with water to glue the skin together
Fry bananas in hot oil until slightly brown.
Recipe is adopted from PRIMARASA
Hahaha...emang manggil tukang jajanan punya seninya sendiri. Memori yg kayak gitu loh yg gak bakal lupa. Jadi inget, kadang suka kesel banget kalo si abang udah jaauuuh. Kadang malah sampe dibela-belain ngejar...hehehe.
Dwi, chocolate sprinkles itu meises bukan ya? Gue pengen bikin deh, buat cemilan sore.
Gue lagi. Barusan gue ngintip blog lo yg satu lagi di MP. Kumpulan foto2 lo keren2. Gue suka liat "Sleeping baby portrait" karena kebetulan gue emang suka banget motret anak2.
Gak coba bikin di Blogspot, Dwi? Gue udah lama banget gak login di MP. Situs MP ngebukanya leleeet banget.
Dwiiii...yuhuuu, foto loe keren banget say, ngiler abis liatnya...duh resepnya juga simple kayaknya gue mesti coba juga nih, hihihihi....resepmu tuh praktis semua jadi seneng bikinnya nih...secara gue ga bisa baking yang berat2...hahahahah thanks ya say
MAU BANGETTTTTTTT aku kangen sama semua makanan indo yg berpisang T_T roti pisang coklat...leker pisang...pisang goreng...pisang oh pisangggg wuwuwuwu
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Yummylicious chocolate recipes....
Yummy cookies!!! which cookie is your favorite??
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Must be crispy outside, warm soft and creamy inside. I want !
gotta try this! have had something similar once before and loved it. tahnsk for sharing.
OMG, this looks darn delicious! I want too!!
Hmmmm pasti enak deh....fotonya juga keren banget....
yuhu..pisange demen aku dimodel bungkus gitu...pk pastry bg ga ya ? soale ada stok filo
Pisang coklatnya bikin ngiler mbak Dwi... pantesan Nathaniel suka :)
pisang melulu Dwi :D
OMG, so yummy, can I have some Dwi.....
I love this, had this on my cruise but no choc...better than goreng pisang. ;)
Say, gue udah nyoba resepmu yg satu ini. Enak & gampang :)
Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Can't wait to try this, sure my families and friends will love it. The most important is I love it a lot, lol.
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