I didn’t really feel like spending much time in the kitchen today. But since yesterday the snow is hasn’t stopped!
After playing in the snow with my two years old son, he had so much fun out there. After he came in I decide to make cupcakes while he was quietly sleeping.
These cupcakes are specially decorated for the event “CUPCAKES SPECTACULER 2008” hosted by Arfi Binsted from HomeMades. I don’t make cupcakes from scratch but I usually rather make them from “Chocolate Devil Cake Mix” and mix them with chocolate chips. The icing is regular vanilla icing which I buy from the grocery store. The 101 Dalmation is hand decorated by me using Fondant. Also my son loves doggie that is why I choose doggie as my decoration today.
As far as about decorating cake or cupcakes, I would rather decorate them using “FONDANT” rather than regular icing. For me icing is more difficult to use and I tend to make a lot of mistakes. But with the Fondant is easy to apply.
cantik bangettttt anak2 pasti doyann
btw Dwi pernah liat blognya aaplemint gak? itu foto cupcakesnya cantik
mana kasih gw link nya pep. gw gk pernah liat.
Ini Dwi
cantikkkkkkk....mau dong dwiiii.
Dwi, cantik banget cupcake nya...itu dalmatian yang diatas boneka apa dibuat sendiri Wi..lucuu banget penampakannya..:D
andaliman: thanks pep - langsung meluncur
Resto Mariena: rebutan dulu Mar ama Nate hahahah
Elsye: 101 dalmationnya aku buat sendiri pake fondant say. Gw paling gk bisa dekorasi pake frosting. Kalau pake fondant suka banget tinggal di pluntir2 ditempel2 trus di dikasih food coloring buat touch upnya.
Lucu banget dalmatiannya...sayang klo di emplok:))
You are very good at fondant, your doggies turned out so cute, very nice cupcakes indeed!
arf arf! here doggie doggie doggie...hehehe pengen digigitttt...hmm aku juga pengen bikin cupcakes pake mix hik hik...kayaknya diantara semua bloggers cuman aku yg belon pernah bikin cupcakes hehehe sob sob
So cute! The dalmatian make such a good cupcake. :)
lovely entry, Dwi!! thanks for participating on Cupcakes Spectacular 2008! Love the Dalmatian! So cute!
Dwiiii! Itu dalmation lucu banget! Matamu tajem & tanganmu juga lentur. Butuh ketelatenan tuh nempelin tutul2 itemnya ke dalmation.
Terus kadonya.....! Ampun deh! What a masterpiece!
Aku ngacungin 2 jempol buat kamu :)
retno: yg emplok anak ku hihiii
little corner: thank you dear
rita; guk guk gukkk di gonggong balik ama anak ku tuh hehehe
tigerfish: thanks:)
Afri: thank you mbak dah hosting.
sheila: thank you dear. Gw suka bikin sculpted dr clay dulu. so pegang fondant kayak pegang clay. tapi kalau suruh hias pake frosting angkat tangan deh.
this is so cute! I only wish I could decorate half as well as you. :)
I love it, this is so cute !!!!
Dwi.. ini cupcake is the best ever deh, so cute banget, nggemesin. Dwi, gmn sih cara bikin totol2 dalmatiannya pk fondant jg atau pewarna doang? adakah pewarna hitam? wilton apa bkn? tolong dijelasin, mau nyontek nih...boleh kan?
Mandy: thanks for the compliment. I wish I could photographs as well as you too:)
everything4sweet: thank you dear.
Wita: yg tutul2 hitam gw pake fondant warna hitam wilton product. Krn tutul2 hitamnya cuma dikit jadi aduk aja warna hitamnya dgn fondant sebesar biji kelereng. Kalau dalmationnya dah jadi struktur badannya tinggal di tempelin aja tuh si tutulnya.
Sama, Dwi. Gue juga nyerah kalo disuruh dekor pake frosting. Sampe sekarang megang icing bags aja tangan gue masih kaku. Hasilnya jadi mleot-mleot..hiks.
I love the fondant Dalmatian, how cute!
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