Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chicken Porridge

Get bored sometimes eating breakfast with peanut butter and jelly or cereal every morning. Gotta think something else or I will end up skipping breakfast which is not really good. Looking at Sedap magazine (Indonesian recipe magazine) it gives me an idea what to have for breakfast this morning. It has been long enough I don't eat chicken porridge.

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  1. Porridge: Boil rice in the water, salt and bay leaves. Keep stirring until it is thick enough.
  2. Broth: Finely pounded all the spices and mix them together. Stir frying them about 2 minutes or until you can smell the aroma or spices then put chicken and fry them together until the chicken half cooked.
  3. Add water, cubes of chicken broth and little bit of salt. And boil them. When it is done, keep the broth in the separate bowl.
  4. Fry the chicken until slightly brown and finely slices.
  5. Served porridge with chicken broth, slices chicken, and garnish.

Padi Oat cracker is suitable to accompany this yummy porridge!

I shall smile............. and happy as my tummy is full. Nothing is compare eating comfort food. And I don't fell like wasting time in the kitchen for preparing breakfast as I see my son eat porridge like nuts!


Lady Batya said...

Jadi laper total..ini kan kesukaan ku banget banget, Dwiiiiiii..tegaaaa.
Duh mana ada emping nya lagiiii. Bikin nggak yaaa...huuuuuu jadi pusing. Poto nya cantik tuh Dwi...mangkuk e jugaaa

Nunung said...

masakannya enak-enak nih, emang ada emping ya disana...

Indonesia Eats said...

hi hi baru tau kalo punya blogspot juga.. btw aku link yahh


Anonymous said...

ini foto2nya elo yg bikin Dwi? lain daripada yg lain, bagus idenya :D ajarin dong :D

Dwiana P said...
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Dwiana P said...

Mariena: hayoh sok disantap buburnya, ini mangkok dpt dr garage sale hehehe

Nunung:ada emping beli di asian market

Andaliman: sekalian aku link juga diblog ku yah

Eliza: ini dibikin pake photoshop cs2. mau sih ngajarin tapi gimana caranya yah. aku pm di mp yah.

Rita said...

Dwi, apa kabar????? thanks dah jalan2 di blogku.....thanks 4 ur attention....

A. Ann said...

Dwi, rajin banget dirimu. Gitu deh kalo disana ya, mau ga mau harus bikin sendiri. Susah dapetnya sih ya. Apalagi yang gerobakan, abang abang punya hahaha

A.G said...

bubur ayamna endang gulindang.. dah lama ga bikin....

Anonymous said...

I like porridge! My comfort food :D